“Environmental Consulting Services in Penticton”, “Environmental Assessment Process in Penticton”, “Rapid Environmental Assessment Services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental”.

Wildlife Environmental
It is well-known that human structures have a significant impact on Wildlife Environmental and biodiversity. The fragmentation of habitats caused by the construction of highways or the deviation of bird migratory paths due to the presence of tall buildings reflecting lights during nighttime are some examples. Although some impacts can be mitigated in the initial stages of the project's design by the implementation of compensation measures, the construction project itself can create stress for the local wildlife (Wildlife Environmental). “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process for anticipating the effects on the Wildlife Environmental caused by a development (EPA 2002). Certain construction / development projects will always have significant environmental effects.
Construction projects, whether commercial developments, housing estates, infrastructure or public-sector projects, all have the potential to damage natural habitats, threatening Wildlife Environmental and plant species.
Good practice starts with location. As far as possible, construction should take place in areas where it will have least impact on biodiversity (Wildlife Environmental).
During construction habitat destruction may occur where a habitat is removed to make way for a new development. Plants and sessile animals in these areas are usually directly impacted generally resulting in alteration or reduction in biodiversity (Wildlife Environmental). Mobile animals (especially birds and mammals) retreat into remnant patches of habitat.
Fragmentation: Native habitats, which were once continuous, may become divided into separate fragments during construction. The extent and connectivity of remaining habitats are reduced, and species may or may not be able to survive as a result. Fragmentation may alter the distribution of populations, the migration rates among populations, or the size of local populations. Animals with large home ranges (i.e. badgers) will be the most severely affected. Often habitat fragmentation doesn’t present an absolute barrier to movement, but rather subjects animals to greater mortality as they try to cross the contrasting habitat (Wildlife Environmental).
Disturbance: There is the potential for noise from construction activities to disturb fauna resulting in their relocation and thus reducing the biodiversity of an area.
Pollution of watercourses: Soil, waste concrete and toxins in runoff from construction sites or fuels, accidentally spilled during storage or delivery, can enter watercourses. Fine sediments from the bottom or sides of streams can be mobilised during in-stream construction. These pollutants can impact aquatic habitats, plant life, invertebrate and all life stages of fish (Wildlife Environmental).
Poorly timed construction: This can have a negative impact on a wide variety of species including nesting birds.
What is the land development, Construction industry doing to protect biodiversity??
The National Road Authority has published guidance documents to provide a step by step approach to minimising impacts on badgers, bats, watercourse crossings prior to and during the construction phase of national road schemes. It sets out measures for species-specific links including the passage of mammals under roads, bridges and culverts on roadways. The National Parks and Wildlife Environmental Service of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government must be notified if otter, bat or badger habitats are encountered prior to construction (Wildlife Environmental). “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
In addition, the following is recommended during the construction phase of a project:
Projects should be designed and implemented so as to avoid or compensate adequately for any adverse impacts on natural habitats and biodiversity (Wildlife Environmental).
Site clearing must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Wildlife Environmental Act 1976 (as amended in 2000). For example, removal of hedgerows and trees must not take place from the 1st March to the 31st August. The contractor must comply with all legislative provisions relating to hedgerow / tree removal and the protection of bats and birds with particular attention to nesting birds and breeding/roosting bats.
Corridors connecting fragmented habitats should be provided. These include creating corridors, stepping stones and buffer zones to aid the movement of different organisms. A corridor could be a hedgerow or a riparian strip (green edge along a river). Stepping stones are patches of habitat which allow movement through the landscape without the need for direct links. The biodiversity of a sensitive ecological area, such as peatlands, could be protected from disturbance caused by construction activities by creating a buffer zone around it. The nature of the corridor will depend on the species that needs to be protected.
Planting native trees/plants during the landscaping stage of a project can increase the biodiversity in an area. Wildlife Environmental. “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.